


  • 准确的位置
  • flexible ways to move forward in the program 
  • courses that satisfy varied learning styles

全球赌博十大网站数学技能系的目标是为学生提供为大学水平数学做准备的机会. 我们使用各种教学模式,学生利用教科书和技术进行数学研究, construct mathematical ideas, and apply math to the real world. We strive to build a classroom environment where mathematical content, 思维过程, and communication are cultivated and valued.


阅读和写作项目提供了一个支持小班和训练有素的专业人员的环境,目的是为所有学生在完整的大学课程中取得成功做好准备. 在这些课程中培养的技能对那些已经离开学校一段时间的学生或那些不能最大限度地发挥他们学习能力的学生很有帮助. Active student learning is fostered through classroom discussions, collaborative peer interactions, and an integration of reading and 写作. 作品集用于写作评估,考试用于阅读评估.


学术技能英语系提供六门发展课程,旨在帮助学生为大学水平课程的阅读和写作做准备,并为进入劳动力培训轨道的学生提供一门额外的课程. 各个级别的分班是由大学分班考试的分数决定的. 考试达到任何发展水平的学生必须成功完成3级课程才有资格注册英语写作.



ENG-005 Pathways to Reading and Writing -本课程整合了与求职和职业目标相关的阅读和写作技能. 教学提供策略,让学生思考相关阅读材料,解读其中的含义,并以书面形式表达想法. Course instruction will be flexible, 响应, 互动, and multi-sensory across a broad spectrum of basic reading and 写作 exercises. 学生应该期望在一个合作学习的环境中学习,以培养阅读能力, 写作, 沟通技巧.

Academic Track Reading Placement Course Sequence

英语-012阅读技巧 – This course teaches the student to become an efficient and flexible reader. The skills taught in Reading Skills I are applied to longer and more complex reading selections; standard organizational techniques, 包括例子, 序列, 和过程, 介绍了.

阅读II Express -阅读II Express是为那些在阅读III之前只需要简单阅读指导的学生设计的. Preparing students for Reading Skills III in a rapid format, this course quickly covers the concepts of topic, stated main idea and implied main idea, 支持细节, and general comprehension of paragraphs and 论文. If successful in the 4 day express class, the student would move into ENG 013.

阅读技巧3 – This course seeks to improve the student’s reading comprehension skills. 教学通过识别主要思想和支持细节来回顾理解非小说的策略, and drawing inferences and conclusions. 本课程的重点是识别和理解标准的组织技术, 比如比较, 对比, 过程分析, 和参数.

Academic Track Writing Placement Course Sequence

英语-022 -写作技巧 – This course teaches how to extend and support ideas in grammatically correct impromptu and expository 论文; sentence variety and coherence are emphasized as are standard patterns of organization, 比如过程, 比较/对比, 分类, 和定义. Since papers will be composed on a computer, 没有打字技能的学生被要求参加一学分的基本键盘课程.

ENG-023 – Writing Skills III -本课程教授如何使用标准的组织模式,用正确的英语写出有效的文章, 比如比较/对比, 过程, 范例, 诸如此类. While there is a review of grammar and us年龄, emphasis is on written summaries and responses to college level readings, 还有即兴散文. Since papers will be composed on a computer, 没有打字技能的学生被要求参加一学分的基本键盘课程.


阅读和写作学习实验室现在在布莱克伍德和卡姆登校区都可以使用,为学生提供额外的机会来掌握他们的发展课程的技能. 工作人员ed by department faculty, students can receive assistance with MyWritingLab, 论文, 以及其他课堂作业.
The labs are located in Taft 104 in Blackwood and College Hall 323 in Camden. Open hours vary and are posted each semester.




进入全球赌博十大网站(CCC)的学生需要参加大学分班考试(Accuplacer)。, which determines which English course the student may take. 在SAT的批判性阅读部分得分在550分以上的学生可以豁免.



Is there a first-day test out for Reading and Writing classes?

No, we do not provide first-day test outs. 我们确实允许在期中提前退出课程,我们对二级学生有豁免政策. 写作技巧II的模范学生(平均成绩为A并有老师推荐的学生)可以提交下一级写作的最终作品集,目的是免除写作III. 阅读技能II的模范学生(平均成绩为A并得到老师推荐的学生)可以参加下一级阅读的期末考试,目的是免除阅读III. 学生的选择由老师决定,期末考试由老师在学生完成注册课程的所有三门考试后进行.

Is there a department or college attendance and grading policy?

出勤的一般政策是课程缺勤两周的上限. If a student exceeds that many absences, it is advised that the student be assigned an NA grade (Not Attending), though each instructor is entitled to create his/her own attendance policy.

What 写作 assignments are required for these courses?

Each Writing Skills course requires a minimum of 6 写作 assignments, some of which must be done in class, whether timed (40 minutes) or untimed. These move from one paragraph to several paragraphs in Writing Skills II, and five paragraphs each in Writing Skills III. 一定要检查你级别的最终作品集的具体说明, as each has its own criteria.

What quizzes or exams are required for these courses?

阅读技巧II和III各有两次系考和一次系考期末考. The majority of the final grade (usually 70%) is the aver年龄 of these three exams.

我能得D吗? Is it considered a passing grade?

我们系不把D作为期末成绩,也不认为及格. Final passing grades are A, B, or C. Final grades that require one to take the course again are F, MP, NA, or XA. 对于有资格参加阅读2 Express四天复习课程的学生,我们也会给出RV分数(更多信息请参见“课程”选项卡)。.

Is the grade for the course incorporated into a student's GPA?

It is incorporated into the student's semester GPA, but not the cumulative one. 换句话说,它是用于机构目的,而不是用于毕业学分或总GPA.


Department Telephone Number: (856) 227-7200,分机. 4442

(856) 227-7200,分机. 4442

Lesley Fredericks, Coordinator
(856) 968-1246